Seven Oaks School Division Collective Agreement 2021

The Seven Oaks School Division Collective Agreement 2021 is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for educators in the Seven Oaks School Division in Manitoba, Canada. This agreement is negotiated between the Seven Oaks School Division and the Seven Oaks Teachers` Association.

The agreement covers a range of topics, including salaries, benefits, professional development, and working conditions. One of the key features of the agreement is the salary grid, which outlines the pay scale for educators based on years of experience and level of education.

Another important aspect of the agreement is the provision for professional development. Educators are provided with opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge through various workshops, conferences, and training programs. This encourages ongoing learning and growth within the profession.

The agreement also includes provisions for benefits such as health and dental insurance, life insurance, and long-term disability coverage. This ensures that educators are adequately covered in the event of illness or injury.

Working conditions are also addressed in the agreement. This includes provisions for workload, class size, and classroom support. The agreement ensures that educators have the necessary resources and support to provide high-quality education to their students.

Overall, the Seven Oaks School Division Collective Agreement 2021 is an important document that ensures fair and equitable working conditions for educators in the Seven Oaks School Division. Its provisions for salary, benefits, professional development, and working conditions are designed to support the growth and success of both educators and students.