Ferpa Agreement Form

FERPA Agreement Form: What You Need to Know

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. FERPA specifies the rights of students regarding their educational records and outlines the obligations of educational institutions to protect these records. One of the key components of FERPA compliance is the FERPA Agreement Form.

In this article, we will provide an overview of the FERPA Agreement Form and explain why it is important.

What is the FERPA Agreement Form?

The FERPA Agreement Form is a document that educational institutions use to obtain consent from students or their parents/guardians before disclosing certain types of educational records to third parties. These records may include grades, transcripts, attendance records, disciplinary records, and other personally identifiable information.

The FERPA Agreement Form provides specific information about what records will be shared, who will receive the information, and the purpose for which the information is being shared. This ensures that students or their parents/guardians understand the scope of the disclosure and can make an informed decision about whether to consent to the release of their records.

Why is the FERPA Agreement Form important?

The FERPA Agreement Form is an important tool for educational institutions to comply with FERPA requirements and protect student privacy. By obtaining consent before sharing education records, institutions can ensure that they are only disclosing information that is necessary and relevant to the recipient. This can help prevent unauthorized or inappropriate disclosures of sensitive information, which could lead to harm or embarrassment for the student.

In addition, having a signed FERPA Agreement Form on file demonstrates that the educational institution has taken appropriate steps to comply with FERPA regulations. This can be important in the event of an audit or investigation by the Department of Education, which is responsible for enforcing FERPA.

How can educational institutions ensure FERPA compliance with the FERPA Agreement Form?

To ensure compliance with FERPA regulations, educational institutions should:

1. Provide clear and concise information about FERPA rights and the purpose of the FERPA Agreement Form.

2. Obtain written consent from students or their parents/guardians before disclosing education records to third parties.

3. Keep accurate records of disclosures, including the type of information disclosed, the recipient, and the purpose of the disclosure.

4. Train staff members who handle education records to ensure they understand FERPA requirements and the importance of maintaining student privacy.


The FERPA Agreement Form is a critical tool for educational institutions to comply with FERPA regulations and protect student privacy. By obtaining written consent before sharing education records, institutions can ensure they are only disclosing necessary and relevant information and protecting students from harm or embarrassment. Educational institutions should take steps to ensure they are complying with FERPA requirements and training their staff members appropriately to maintain the privacy of education records.